Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Pay Parental Leave Is It A Necessity - 1915 Words

Devoree Peace Amanda Morris ENG 101 10/17/16 Paid Parental Leave: Is it a necessity? Are the 6-12 weeks of paid parental leave for both mothers and fathers as well as adoptive parents more beneficial or harmful? Most parents believe that paid parental leave for both the birth or adoption of a baby should be considered a right. However, many also argue that this paid time off should be seen as a privilege, and an unnecessary privilege at that. How crucial are those first 6-12 weeks for both new parents as well as the baby? There are arguments that if you cannot avoid to take the time off, you cannot afford the care behind raising a child. Although there may not be a black and white, yes or no answer, because everyone has their own opinions, there is a line we can get at least get close to as to whether or not this is really a necessity or if it is not necessary for these new parents and children. There is more evidence that paid parental leave would be beneficial to both mother and child than there is evidence that it would be h armful to our economy, however there are proposed downsides in making paid parental leave a requirement in the U.S. Cambridge Dictionary’s definition of parental leave is â€Å"time that a parent is allowed to spend away from work to take care of his or her baby† (Cambridge Dictionary). In an article on the Huffington Post written by Chris Spurlock, who is a graduate of the Missouri School of Journalism, he discusses how shocking the rates of paidShow MoreRelatedThe Law Of The United States1314 Words   |  6 Pagesand Medical Leave Act in the case of things like: family emergencies, serious health conditions, and pregnancies. The law requires an employer to allow twelve unpaid work weeks to be taken in a twelve month period every year. The United States Department of Labor states, â€Å"This law covers only certain employers; affects only those employees eligible for the protections of the law; involves entitlement to leave, maintenance of health benefits during lea ve, and job restoration after leave;. . . † ThisRead MoreArgument Against A Paid Maternity Leave Essay781 Words   |  4 Pagesof the above are strong arguments for the pressing necessity of a mandated paid maternity leave. Nevertheless, the many opponents of this initiative are arguing otherwise. One argument against a paid maternity leave is based on the assumption that one of the parents should not be working in the first place. In other words, a full-time stay-at-home parent is beneficial to the development of the child and therefore a paid limited-time maternity leave is redundant and is simply a waste of resources. SuzanneRead MoreImportance of Your Biological Sex as a Determinant of your Gender Expression978 Words   |  4 Pageshas implemented various schemes or strategies in order for parents to pay for necessities for themselves and their children. Such strategies include the parental leave pay which states the eligibility must be the primary care â€Å"often the considered the birth mother† (Department of human services 2013). However the Department of Human Services has also recently issued a new scheme for male parents, named the â€Å"Dad and Partner Pay† (Department of human services 2013). This scheme suggests that malesRead MoreEssay on Working Women, the Government, and Politics1613 Words   |  7 Pagesequality in other industrialized nations. In recent decades, there has been a visible influx of women in the workforce-many of whom are also mothers. 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According to Wiegers and Hukkelhovenâ€Å"In 2002 40.6% of all births took place in primary care, assisted by a midwife or general practitionerRead MoreA Freezer Preserves Food, yet Food Preserves a Relationship1343 Words   |  6 Pagessocial life,† food is essential in building up human relationships (Anderson 125). As a social necessity, food exerts itself as more than an excuse to initiate casual talk. In the films, Tampopo and Eat Drink Man Woman, food operates as a medium to preserve human relationships by the consumption and the physical exchange of food. Despite the two films’ different urban settings, food perpetuates parental, romantic, and student-teacher relationships. Food recalls memories of current and past relationshipsRead MoreEssay on Violence is the Enemy of Today’s Youth884 Words   |  4 Pagesalso opens the door for children to fa ce more violent situations. The constant growth of drug and weapon use among today’s youth has become a proponent of increased violence against this generation. Violence in society today is caused by decreased parental supervision, societal acceptance, and drug and weapon access.This essay will Understanding why the trend of violence occurs and how it changes the future of youth The first topic to investigate in the increase of violence in society is family dynamics;Read MoreHomeless Youth Essay641 Words   |  3 Pagesthere are a lack of affordable housing and the limited scale of housing assistance programs. Other causes can be insufficient income when people are frequently unable to pay for housing, food, childcare, health care and education. This means that difficult choices must be made when limited resources cover only some of these necessities because of financial reasons. Some homeless people end up on the streets because they may be physical, psychological, sexual abuse, neglect or abandonment. A study doneRead MoreCurrent Housing Policies For Homeless Youth1281 Words   |  6 Pagesemployed full time, many students cannot afford the rising tuition costs and frequently drop out of college due to lack of funding. Many colleges are unwilling to approve financial aid packages unless a student can show that they are independent of parental support, a nd require documentation proving this. Some educators and others have outspokenly protested financial aid being offered to students that are struggling with academics. One such educator is Jackson Toby, Professor of Sociology Emeritus atRead MoreImmigration Reform and Illegal Immigrants Essay1559 Words   |  7 Pagesthey detainment in an immigration detainment facility immediately before deporting them back to their home country. The cost to deport undocumented workers back home is just too costly. While in fact, the average illegal alien is actually willing to pay to come to the U.S. In other words, the U.S. government could use this alternative to generate money. This alternative is another way to make much-needed revenue instead of letting a coyotes make a profit. Therefore, with that in mind, there are other

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